Saturday 7 April 2018

The Saturday List #171 - The Top Ten Tweeters to Follow in the London Borough of Barnet!

Do you "Do Twitter"? Sadly, I do. It has virtually ruined my life, but don't let that put you off. I spend far too much time poring over the most banal of pronouncements from all matter of semi-vegetative tweeters, who think they are Oscar Wilde reborn. However this week, as often happens, one of my friends set me a challenge. It may or may not come as a surprise, but most of my friends never discuss my blog with me. I am quite unaware of how many read it. One friend, who I was having a beer with, said "I've just started doing Twitter. Who are the best people in the Borough to follow?". I said "That's easy, the bloggers...." and before I could continue, he cut me off. He said "I don't mean all of the people doing political stuff. I mean 'normal human beings' ". I was a tad surprised to find out my friend does not consider me to be a normal human being, but I guess that being a "Normal Human being" was never high on my priority list. So here is my Top Ten list of people who tweet, and a few are even "Normal Human Beings!". Please don't be too offended if I missed you off, it just means that we are so spoiled for great tweeters and I wanted a good cross section of both Normal and Abnormal human beings. I fyou follow the Tweets of the week series on a Sunday, you'll already be familiar with the work of most of these marvellous people!

1. Mark Aimies AKA @Superfast72 - Covers all manner of weird and wonderful things in the wider North West London Area.

This Tweet is a brilliant example of his work

2. Donald Lyven AKA @Barnet_rebel

Great shots of birds, weather, planes and trains. Does a bit of the politics, but great pics

3. Mill Hill Historical Society AKA @MHHistSoc
Sort of do what they say on the tin

4. Toasted by Thameslink AKA @ToastedbyTL
A more serious Tweeter, taking on the might of the Thameslink railway, who give us all a free sauna every day on our Daily Commute!

5. A Better Mill Hill
Campaigning to improve the Mill Hill area

6. Mr Reasonable
Mr Reasonable AKA John Dix doesn't waste a tweet. All are worth reading!

7. Mr Mustard
And we must mention Mr Mustard, top tips for parking

8. Colindale Foodbank
One of our favourite charities. Worth watching as they sometimes put appeals out for urgent donations

9. Finchley Horticultural Society
Does what it says on the tin.

10. Mill Hill Music Complex
If you like a bit of music, then you'd like Mill Hill Music Complex

That's all folks!

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