Saturday 21 March 2015

The Saturday List #77 - Strange, stupid and downright dishonest - What our politicians say

Yesterday we saw a rather amusing and bizzare tweet from disgraced former Tory GLA rep for Barnet, none other than Brian Coleman. Brian said

All Great politicians have a temper Churchill, Gordon Brown , Mrs T and these days they have stalkers and Internet trolls as well

Now of the many things I never thought I'd hear, Brian listing Gordon Brown up there with Churchill and Thatcher amongst the greats was not one. So in light of this, what other subject could we have for our Saturday list, than the stupid things politicians say.

1. There can only be one winner - UKIP Councillor David Silvester blamed flooding on same sex marriage legislation - 

2. Perhaps the funniest claim was made by the Leader of Barnet Council, back in 2009, when he claimed that publishing the councils spending would put an end to "Bloggers and leakers" - - That went well, didn't it Richard?

3. Another absolute belter was the current Tory MP Mike Freer, claimin in 2002 that "You can't let ideology get in the way of providing quality services and value for money." - -  when talking about social services in Barnet. Anyone who has followed Freers career knows that he specifically ruled out performing a public sector comparator in Barnet, just in case it showed in house services were cheaper. So much for not letting ideology get in the way.

4. Hendon MP Matthew Offord is part of a government which has seen more library closures than any other. Public services have been run down at an alarming rate. So what do you think of this statement from Offord in 2008 "“We certainly want to make our services most relevant to the people within the community and that includes upgrading our current library’s stock and buildings, and also renewing, improving and refurbishing new libraries in the communities" - - always interesting to see what wannabee MP's say before they get into power and how it works out.

5. And perhaps the oddest quote of all. Nigel Farage said about the UKIP manifesto in 2010 'I didn't read our 2010 manifesto. It was drivel. 486 pages of drivel" - Who was the leader of UKIP then? Yup, you guessed it! -

6.  Just to show we are not simply picking on right wing plonkers, who could forget when Ed Balls was asked if he could name a businessman who had donated money to the Labour party recently. Mr Balls replied " 'Bill somebody'" -

Have a great Saturday. I hope your fave team won. Mine just have!

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