Saturday 8 October 2011

Save the Robert Elms show on BBC London 94.9

It was with total disbelief, that earlier this week I heard a BBC boss announce on the Eddie Nestor Show on BBC London 94.9 that they were scrapping their afternoon local shows. This includes the fantastic Robert Elms show, which is one of the most popular, interesting and innovative shows on radio. I sometimes wonder what the people who run the BBC really get public service broadcasting. Surely it's all about being interesting, innovative and different. Elms fulfills all of this and more. I'd prefer to see the BBC spending less on money on big names for TV shows and concentrate on breaking new talents. I think the license fee is great value. It is a unique organisation and it sickens me that people constantly snipe at it. It doesn't always get it right and their decision with Robert Elms is clearly a very poor one.

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