Friday 30 July 2010

Lynne Hillan Latest - One spread you won't want to see on the front page of the Barnet Press

 A certain very well known Tory, who used to be a Barnet Councillor sent me a very mischievous email, which suggested that if you want to be the Page 3 girl for the Barnet Press  there is a simple way to persuade the editor.

You may well read that I've sued a certain well known Tory Ex Councillor for causing me emotional distress. If you want to see the full story about the Barnet Press's Page three girl for July, click here. I advise you to view this before eating food as you may gag. Share my misery.

(or maybe it's that the council kindly bought a huge ad on the Front Page  - funny that. What a coincidence). Actually there was another character who also sprung to mind on seeing this picture (although much more attractive) :-

1 comment:

baarnett said...

Well, say what you like about Lynne's performance, it was all done in the BEST possible taste.